How You Can Bring The National Festival To Your Backyard!
Thanks to the new bidding process being piloted by the Board of Directors, you have an opportunity to literally bring the National Festival to your backyard (or wherever you want it to go) by bidding for your preferred destination!
Members in every region have an equal opportunity to become the host destination for the National Festival OR to demonstrate your desire for the Festival to be hosted at a specific destination. For example, you might vote for a destination near Disney World or Disney Land, Las Vegas, etc. and call upon all your friends to do likewise.
As few as 150 to 200 bidders could win a preferred destination for those who support it with their bids.
Gups and Dans are invited to bid for your preferred location and should enough Gup Members place bids for a preferred location, the TAC might consider opening up special opportunities at the Festival for those Gups who have placed bids.
Hint: An exciting new sparring format is scheduled to be introduced nationwide by the TAC in 2014.
With the Federation's win-win-win bidding policy, you can't lose no matter what happens, even if the destination you bid for does not win!
Be a strong leader and actively advocate for your preferred destination. Call and email your friends and ask them to bid for your preferred destination. Post a link to the bidding page for your preferred destination on your Facebook page and ask everyone whom you think may be interested in attending to place a bid. All bidders get a 25% bonus on every dollar they bid and can't lose with the Federation's win-win-win bidding policy!
The bidding period is short and your immediate action is necessary for you to be a leader who helps shape the future and bring the National Festival to your backyard.
Take Action!, Action!, Action!